function prefix_estimated_reading_time($lesson_id) {
 $content_post = get_post($lesson_id);
       // get the content
       $ the_content = $content_post->post_content;
 // count the number of words
 $words = str_word_count( strip_tags( $the_content ) );
 // rounding off and deviding per 200 words per minute
 $minute = floor( $words / 200 );
 // rounding off to get the seconds
 $second = floor( $words % 200 / ( 200 / 60 ) );
 // calculate the amount of time needed to read
 $estimate = $minute . ' minute' . ( $minute == 1 ? '' : 's' ) . ', ' . $second . ' second' . ( $second == 1 ? '' : 's' );
 // create output
 $output = '<p>Estimated reading time: ' . $estimate . '</p>';
 // return the estimate
 return $output;

To Run Function Use:

$get_time = prefix_estimated_reading_time($lesson_id);

Jagdish Sarma Asked question November 16, 2021
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