//to exclude a field from notifications assign the field the CSS Class Name gf_exclude and then use the {all_fields:exclude} merge tag add_filter( 'gform_merge_tag_filter', 'exclude_from_all_fields', 10, 4 ); function exclude_from_all_fields( $value, $merge_tag, $options, $field ) { $options_array = explode( ",", $options ); //breaks options into an array $exclude = in_array( "exclude", $options_array ); //returns TRUE if 'exclude' is found in the array $class_array = explode( " ", $field["cssClass"] ); //breaks the fields CSS classes into an array $exclude_class = in_array( "gf_exclude", $class_array ); //returns TRUE if 'gf_exclude' is found in the array if ( $merge_tag == "all_fields" && $exclude == true && $exclude_class == true ) return false; else return $value; }
Jagdish Sarma Asked question November 23, 2021